Tieut gender-neutral contraceptive packaging

Tieut gender-neutral contraceptive packaging

brand health & beauty packaging design news & trends

The intimate care company releases a new range of condoms with packaging designed for both men and women.

The intimate care company releases a new range of condoms with packaging designed for both men and women.

Tieut is an intimate care company from South Korea on a mission to create products that help to improve gender equality. Their first and better-known product being an innovatively shaped menstrual cup providing a cheaper, eco-friendly and more convenient alternative for those who menstruate.

Their next product aims to change traditional approaches to contraceptives in the form of condoms. Often promoted using traditionally male-centric marketing and design elements, Tieut sets out to shift the attitudes and encourage a more gender-neutral perspective for the contraceptive.

Stepping away from the conventional shape often used for condom packaging, Tieut opts for a more discreet yet appealing aesthetic. The round individual wrapping boasts a soft yellow palette, black font and minimalist layout providing a gender-neutral tone.

The accompanying round storage box features the same minimalist layout and soft palette. Its thick paper material and bespoke finish provides a premium feel and style, similar to that of a scented candle or beauty product. Its discreet and impartial design appeals to both men and woman, as well as empowering consumers to keep the product beside the bed, pride of place, rather than feeling the need to hide it away.

For more information about Tieut visit their website or follow them on Instagram .

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