
PURABON, a provider of healthy, plant-based snacks since 2014, sought to expand its market presence nationally while reinforcing its commitment to purity, natural ingredients, and simplicity through a rebrand. Dessein, approached the rebranding of PURABON with a focus on its foundational values: purity, naturalness, and simplicity. The goal was to create a design strategy that would reflect these values while ensuring visibility on crowded supermarket shelves. We revisited PURABON’s origins and core values, recognizing the need for a design that would resonate with a wider audience while staying true to the brand’s essence. Departing from the original illustrative design, we developed a modern, minimalist logo featuring clean lines with an integrated leaf motif, symbolizing the brand’s commitment to natural ingredients. Leveraging a vibrant colour palette, the packaging designs showcases hero shots of ingredients alongside the finished product. This design not only differentiated flavours but also communicated PURABON’s dedication to transparency and quality. Dessein strategically arranged the packaging to ensure PURABON stood out on supermarket shelves, creating a dynamic blocking pattern that enhanced the brand’s presence. The rebranding efforts successfully positioned PURABON as a leader in the health food industry, appealing to health-conscious consumers nationwide. The redesigned packaging effectively communicated the brand’s values and product quality, leading to increased market visibility and consumer trust.
