Need help with your entries? Call / WhatsApp us +44 7438 022 161 or email
Recognised as the world’s leading packaging design competition, winning a Pentaward is a top achievement for any packaging design agency, brand or student that takes part.
Below you'll find everything you need to prepare and submit your winning entries to impress the International Jury, including entry specifications, judging criteria and our downloadable user guide.
Any packaging that has been created and released to market anywhere in the world between 1st July 2023 and June 2025 is eligible for entry into the 2025 competition. Works that have been submitted previously into the competition should not be submitted again.
Give your work the best chance of winning a coveted award by preparing your entries correctly. Entries will need to include:
Photographs or digital renders of packaging in Jpeg and RGB format. The minimum individual file size is 500KB. No Zip, Stuffit or compressed files.
Describe the project and consider the judging criteria, referencing quality of design, brand expression, creativity & innovation, emotional connection, and any cultural relevance of the design. Max 200 words.
Giving credit to individuals who have contributed to the project is very important. If your entry is awarded, these credits will be published online and in the globally distributed The Package Design Book.
Judges are looking for excellent graphic and structural design, considering aspects such as typography, artwork, the logo or brand name, use of colour, as well as structural aspects such as shape, form and silhouette.
Judges score how effectively the graphic and (if appropriate) structural design of the pack or range expresses the personality, characteristics or story of the brand.
Judges score the pack or range for its originality and creativity, considering also innovation in areas currently driving the industry, such as sustainability, inclusive design, smart technology, etc. For re-designs, judges will look at any changes in material use or innovation as well as branding compared to the previous design, and consider any challenges in doing so.
Judges score whether they like the pack overall, how they responded to it emotionally and whether they believe that it will elicit a positive response in its target market.
If entering this category, you will need to include information on why the pack is sustainable, including the materials used and their impact on the environment. Judges will be looking for evidence of optimisation in the environmental performance of the packs, as well as the branding and innovation in the pack design
Entries into this category must show evidence of commercial achievements and how the design led to the results achieved, whilst sharing details on the market, objectives, challenges, influencing factors and outcomes.
Entrants into this category will need to showcase how their business and product benefits their clients in their packaging designs. They will need to share information on their product and the benefits it brings compared to alternatives, demonstrate strong and positive relationships with clients and also highlight any other focuses the business has that helps support the industry.
Take a look through our FAQs or get in touch with the Pentawards Team either via, +44 7438022161, or by leaving us a message via the gold icon at the bottom right of your screen.