World-class judging for a world-class competition

The Pentawards is a world leading competition that recognises the best of the best in global packaging design. This is achieved with the help of a carefully crafted jury of experts, alongside a rigorous and in-depth judging process.

Explore what goes into evaluating your work below from scoring your work, to multiple rounds of judging in-person and online, to specific judging criteria and more! 

Unrivalled process by design

Round one

Our International Jury goes through your submissions online and scores entries based on set criteria (see below).

Judges are allocated the entries they review based on expertise and experience. All entries are judged anonymously and jury members cannot score their own work.

This scoring then gives us a shortlist for Round Two.

Round two

A selection of jury members who reviewed each category are invited to review the shortlisted entries during two days of judging at the Pentawards offices in London.

Here judges have the chance to touch and see the shortlisted works to help make their decision on Golds, Silvers, Bronzes and Platinums.

Final round

The third and final round is hosted online, where Special Awards are selected and top winners from each category are put forward for the Diamond - Best of Show Award and the entire Jury Panel cast their vote.

Behind the scenes: hear from our jury

**Please note that the price rate in the videos may not reflect the current entry price.

Judging Criteria


Judges are looking for excellent graphic and structural design, considering aspects such as typography, artwork, the logo or brand name, use of colour, as well as structural aspects such as shape, form and silhouette.


Judges score how effectively the graphic and (if appropriate) structural design of the pack or range expresses the personality, characteristics or story of the brand.


Judges score the pack or range for its originality and creativity, considering also innovation in areas currently driving the industry, such as sustainability, inclusive design, smart technology, etc. For re-designs, judges will look at any changes in material use or innovation as well as branding compared to the previous design, and consider any challenges in doing so.


Judges score whether they like the pack overall, how they responded to it emotionally and whether they believe that it will elicit a positive response in its target market.


If entering this category, you will need to include information on why the pack is sustainable, including the materials used and their impact on the environment. Judges will be looking for evidence of optimisation in the environmental performance of the packs, as well as the branding and innovation in the pack design


Entries into this category must show evidence of commercial achievements and how the design led to the results achieved, whilst sharing details on the market, objectives, challenges, influencing factors and outcomes.


Entrants into this category will need to showcase how their business and product benefits their clients in their packaging designs. They will need to share information on their product and the benefits it brings compared to alternatives, demonstrate strong and positive relationships with clients and also highlight any other focuses the business has that helps support the industry.

Feedback on all entries

The Pentawards Excellence Score allows entrants to get feedback on every piece of work submitted into the competition, whether or not the designs go through to the second round of judging.


The Excellence Score is taken from the jury’s verdict of the entry, based on the four aspects of the judging criteria: the quality of design, brand expression, creativity & innovation and emotional connection.

Each element will be scored out of five, allowing entrants to identify areas for improvement as well as areas of success.


Participants will get to know what the judges thought of their packaging – what they loved and the areas where they felt improvements could be made. Actionable, tailored insights like these will be invaluable for packaging designers keen to take their work to the next level.

When the Excellence Scores are released, participants will also be able to see how their work compared on average to other entries into that sub-category, and how close they came to being shortlisted.


Our international jury is made up of individuals of the highest calibre in packaging design and colourfully represents the global spectrum of packaging. It includes experts from Diageo, Microsoft, Stranger & Stranger, Coty, Pentagram, and WWF.

Year after year, this eclectic group of individuals are faced with the task of reaching a unanimous decision on which packaging designs will have truly universal appeal and should be recognised with the international Pentawards distinction.


Take a look through our FAQs or get in touch with the Pentawards Team either via, contact at +44 7438022161, or by leaving us a message via the gold icon at the bottom right of your screen.