Thank You Cards
Last Spring we came up with the concept to create a limited-edition deck of playing cards as a tribute to the Kings and Queens of the NHS and other key workers who put themselves on the front line while the rest of us spent more time at home. The cards act as a long-lasting reminder of their dedication and bravery during the COVID 19 crisis, with all proceeds going to charity; 75% to NHS Charities Together, supporting the health and emotional well-being of those on the frontline of the NHS; 25% to Mind, which provides advice and support to anyone experiencing mental health problems, including key workers. 18 incredible artists and illustrators created their own interpretations of the heroes of the covid crisis, turning them into unique ‘royal cards’ cards for the deck, which was printed onto Casino quality stock by our highly skilled friends at LNS Print, London. The first limited edtion of 200 decks was launched on Instagram in July 2020 and quickly sold out, raising over £5,000 in the first 4 days. They are now being adapted by ‘Flick solitare’, a card game phone/ipad app, raising more money, and we’re in the process of creating a second release on a larger scale with playing card company ‘Riffle Shuffle’, so the fund total is increasing all the time. The artists involved have also been selling the original work to make additonal donations. The artists include: Archie Proudfoot, Iain Macarthur, Rob Draper, Steve Simpson, Rachel Joy Price, Dima Krab, Steve Wilson, Charlie Davis, Alex Machin, Jonas Devacht, Maria Barnaby-Norris, Jordan Robertson, Nicolae Negura, Cali O, Si Scott, Ana Marques, Kaloian Toshev, Valentina Brostean and Caroline Slade (copywriting). The cards were shared with the hastag #nhsthankyoucards on Instagram, creating hundreds of thousands of impressions and contined demand for the cards.