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the:portal is the brand new online hub that connects the community through award winning packaging excellence.
Hosted within the:portal is a global packaging design directory, a winners’ archive featuring all competition winners since 2007, and a league showcasing the latest rankings of the top professional organisations and universities.
The:directory is a comprehensive list of global packaging design agencies, freelancers, brands, universities, packaging suppliers and manufacturers.
This is the ultimate tool to help with your tendering solutions. Find your next agency or partner now!
the:winners archive consists of over 5,000 global award-winning packaging designs.
Here you’ll be able to find all the Pentawards winning entries since 2007, which you can search and filter by category, brand, year, award type or colour.
A ranking of the world’s most successful design agencies, freelancers, universities, packaging suppliers and manufacturers that have accumulated the most Pentawards wins since 2007.
In the:league you can find two tables. One table ranks the most successful freelancers, packaging suppliers and manufacturers. The second table ranks the most successful universities based on the numbers of awards won by students since 2007.
There is an exclusive rate for recent Pentawards competition winners, as well as a Standard rate:
A standard directory listing lasts for 12 months.
There are multiple benefits to be in on the:directory including:
• Company logo
• Contact details
• Summary of business
• Work portfolio
• Team member profile
• Pentaward winning work
• Video
• Press releases
• Links to social media platforms
You can find out more and purchase your directory listing via our website. At the bottom of this page, you will find the listing option boxes and can select the relevant listing by clicking the ‘add to basket’ button.
Once you have purchased your directory listing, a Pentawards team member will send you a link to activate your account and start adding to and creating your profile. Once you have finished editing your profile the Pentawards team will review your listing and once approved your listing will be live and ready for the community to see.
If you still have any further questions, then get in touch with us here.