Danish agency Simply designs a milky dream for Them 1888
Simply delivers a fresh, Nordic design for Them 1888’s organic milk
Simply delivers a fresh, Nordic design for Them 1888’s organic milk
For Chinese parents, tall children are a success criterion. And milk is seen as one of the means to reach the goal. Organic milk even more. Most Chinese regard Western dairy brands as the most trustworthy and safe. So, when Danish design agency Simply and Danish dairy company Them 1888 worked together, they aimed for a Nordic look and feel.
“ We chose a colour that signals freshness and fresh air, things often highlighted as particularly Danish, ” Thomas Kjær, Creative Director at Simply adds. “ The blue colour is our base colour when it’s about milk in Denmark. ”
The added butterfly is a simple element that hints at Mother nature without spelling it out in the shape of green fields, cows and other cliches.
“ It helps us keep it simple,” as Kjær puts it. Now, the main attraction of this packaging is the lid. When you lift the lid, the milk in the glass is emptied and simultaneously, the legs of the child get longer. It’s clever storytelling which speaks to the wish and success criteria of Chinese parents. ” Kjær adds, “ It’s a way of explaining the product USP around the globe without words. And it also makes it a lot funnier for children to ask for another glass of milk. ”
For more information on the design, visit Simply's website or follow them on Instagram .